If you struggle with substance use, you’re not alone. These books could help you develop strategies to start down the path to recovery.
Coloring can be a fun and unique way to let go of negative thoughts. Learn how coloring can help your path to sobriety.
As challenging as the process can be, becoming sober can vastly improve your life and lead to a more hopeful future that you can be proud of.
Discover how art therapy can help unlock the complicated emotions and traumas you live with so that you can find a path to healing.
Those in addiction recovery need constant inspiration. The following tunes aid with recovery from substance addiction.
Have you ever looked at your blank notebook and felt a wave of anxiety wash over you? The thought of having to fill its pages can be daunting, especially if
Living sober means changing your lifestyle, including your go-to drinks. This article helps you feel confident ordering and making tasty non-alcoholic drinks.
We are amidst an epidemic—but this one isn’t caused by a virus or bacterium. Instead, our country is facing a prescription medication and illicit drug overdose epidemic. For context, in
It can be difficult to accept the things about ourselves we don’t like. Perhaps you feel ashamed of certain habits, behavioral patterns, emotions, or even physical features. On the path
Video games are very fun but are they helpful in supporting good, mental health?